Our law firm is primarily active in the field of intellectual property rights. For many years our key competences have been in the fields of trademark law, design law as well as patent and utility model law. We also deal with all related copyright, competition, antitrust and contract law issues.
We provide consultancy to domestic and foreign clients of various branches and size, from sole traders and start-ups to international, some worldwide operating, companies and company groups well-known throughout Europe. In order to be able to optimally manage both national and international property rights, we have at our disposal a worldwide network of experienced and committed foreign colleagues with whom we successfully cooperate.
Contact us without any obligation and tell us what you are looking for – we will be happy to discuss with you first which consultancy or activity is required, how much work will be involved and what fees are likely to be incurred.
Auswirkungen des Brexits auf den EU-Schutz von Marken und GeschmacksmusternNach Ablauf der Übergangsfrist gilt nunmehr seit dem 01.01.2021 im Vereinigten Königreich für Marken und Geschmacksmuster (Designs) nicht mehr das bisher geltende EU-Marken- und Geschmacksmusterrecht. Dies bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass Inhaber von Unionsmarken und Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmustern sowie entsprechenden internationalen Registrierungen mit Benennung der EU schutzlos gestellt wären. Inhaber von Unionsmarken und Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmustern ...weiterlesen